As part of the Face Login system, I have access to a number of images of faces that were used to train the face recognition system. It would make sense to be able to display a profile image of the logged-in user using one of these photographs. The plan is to upload all the images… Read More »

I have developed a functioning face login system based on Microsoft’s Azure Face API, Node.js and Express. After users have logged in using the face recognition system, I would like them to be able to access some personalised content from their social media platforms. The first platform I looked at was Twitter and I made… Read More »

The Brief: Time Bank Web Application Your team has been contracted to produce an interactive PHP web application, for a newly set up Time Bank. Key timebanking principles are: People list the skills and experience which they can offer and those that they may need. Everyone’s skills are valued equally – one hour always equals… Read More »

Your task is to create a ‘splash’ webpage that self-promotes you and your professional practice. The web design must be built from scratch (i.e. not using a content management system) using: Basic content for the webpage (text and imagery) will be provided by yourself. However, in consideration to global limitations on accessibility and bandwidth the page… Read More »

In preparation for completing the assignment for DAT 404 (Web Technologies), we were tasked with investigating web site design and splash page design for our chosen professional practice and then mocking up a number of our own designs. My chosen professional practice is the field of visual effects and, to that end, I took at… Read More »