Some time ago, I was just starting out with Maxon’s Cinema 4D application and followed along with this tutorial, both as a learning exercise and because I liked the end result. Now having had a taste of Blender as part of my DAT406 university assignment, I was keen to repeat the learning process and so decided… Read More »

Brief: Manufacture an animated show reel that displays the skills you have learnt from this module. This is the format for submitting your animation tests, experiments, graphics designs and After Effect’s exploration in and out of the practical sessions. Each asset implemented must be your own work and individual to you. The show case of animated… Read More »

Following on from my Character Animation Walk Cycle post, the character animation After Effects composition was placed as a layer in a new composition. This will be used to place the walking character in a 3D layered environment with a camera move and lighting effects. Time remapping is enabled for the character animation nested composition… Read More »

For the character animation walk cycle task, my intention was that the character that I created during the vector character design session would used in After Effects to generate a walk cycle animation. However, this proved impractical and too time consuming, so I created a simplified character. In Illustrator, the separate elements of the character… Read More »