As part of my research for my final year project at Plymouth University, I contacted the Plymouth Archaeological Society to see if their members had any suggestions for heritage sites that might potentially be appropriate for photogrammetry and digital restoration. A member of the Society suggested the now derelict saw mill that stands at the… Read More »

My final year project will involve the use of photogrammetry to create a 3D model of an existing item of cultural heritage significance, for instance: the remains of a building, building interior, or individual objects. Having carried out some research on the various photogrammetry software packages available, I decided to use RealityCapture. This seemed to… Read More »

Title/Question Can artificial intelligence enhance the practice of digital cultural heritage? Outline of area of study/context I’ve always had an interest in technology and in history. When I saw the television advertisement for Microsoft’s Artificial Intelligence services that featured Yves Ubelmann’s photogrammetry work in Syria, I was intrigued. I had carried out some basic photogrammetry… Read More »

Outline of area of study/context My area of study/context is very much related to my dissertation; however, rather than looking at how artificial intelligence can be used in conjunction with the cultural heritage preservation applications of photogrammetry, I will looking at how software applications and my own skills can be used with photogrammetry to bring… Read More »

Conception The conception of Message in a Bottle grew out of a desire to produce an artistic installation based around the themes of light and sound. More specifically, there was a wish to juxtapose both natural and man-made elements to produce a thought-provoking piece of art. The incorporation of natural materials and the emulation of… Read More »
Area of Interest Through the use of light, natural and man-made elements, sound, and audience participation, we want to explore the interaction of light, air, water, sound, and translucent material (sea-glass). Our intention is to produce a thought-provoking, visually striking, and interactive piece of art that is both compelling to the audience and also highlights… Read More »