DAT 505 – Assignment Part 1 – Mobile App Development

Brief: Using PhoneGap, you must create a “ratings” mobile app, focusing on a product or service of your choice. For example, you might choose: Hotels, Beers, Burgers, Restaurants, Shoe shops, or anything else that can be rated! Your mobile app should allow you to create a “rating card” for each item, with the following information:

  • Unique ID for the item
  • Name of the item
  • Photo of the item
  • Geolocation of where the item can be found
  • Various item-specific categories (depends on the type of item you choose!)
  • Overall rating (from 1 to 5 stars)

Your app should allow a user to do the following:

  • Create and rate a new item (filling out all of the above fields)
  • Store the newly created item on the phone
  • Select an existing item to view
  • Update the details of a particular item
  • Delete a selected item

If you are feeling a bit more ambitious, you might like to add features to:

  • Generate a list of the current top five items (using the overall star rating, plus any other relevant fields as secondary criteria)
  • Choose two items to compare (automatic analysis reveals which one is “the best”)
  • Request the nearest item to your current location (as determined by geolocation)

The result:

Using PhoneGap, Ionic Creator and Brackets, I created a hand dryer ratings mobile app for deployment to the Android platform.

The main features of the app are:

  • Add, view, edit and delete ratings
  • Allow users to add a photo to their rating
  • Establish and display the user’s current geographic location and that of rated dryers
  • View top rated dryers based on five-star overall rating
  • View a map of dryers in the user’s proximity and link to the dryer in question
  • Provide a settings interface to view and delete stored data for testing and diagnostic purposes, and a feature to import dummy ratings

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