DAT 405 – Week 1 – Processing Programming Language
Today we were introduced to the Processing programming language (http://www.processing.org).
Working through six practical tasks, we became familiar with:
- Declaring variables names and their types e.g. String, int and float
- Assigning values to variables
- Performing calculations using mathematical operators e.g. addition and multiplication
- Outputting to the console, including concatenation
- Commenting code
The final Processing code produced was:
// Declare variables: String forename; char gender; int age; float feet; int numberOfDays; int numberOfHours; int numberOfMinutes; int numberOfMinutesTo; int numberOfHoursTo; // Assign variables: forename = "Matthew"; gender = 'M'; age = 44; feet = 6.0; // Set number of days since last birthday and calculate hours and minutes this equates to numberOfDays = 1; numberOfHours = numberOfDays * 24; numberOfMinutes = numberOfHours * 60; // Calculate hours and minutes to next birthday based on 365 minus number of days since last birthday numberOfHoursTo = (365-numberOfDays) * 24; numberOfMinutesTo = numberOfHoursTo * 60; // Print output with inline calculations println(forename + " is " + gender + " and is " + age + " years old."); println(forename + " is " + feet*0.3048 + " metres tall."); println("The number of days since my last birthday is: " + numberOfDays); println("The number of days until my next birthday is: " + (365-numberOfDays)); println(""); // Insert tab with 't' character println("ttWeeks,tDaystHourstSeconds"); println("Since last birthdayt" + (numberOfDays/7) + "t" + numberOfDays + "t" + numberOfHours + "t" + (numberOfMinutes * 60)); println("Until next birthdayt" + (365-numberOfDays)/7 + "t" + (365-numberOfDays) + "t" + numberOfHoursTo + "t" + (numberOfMinutesTo * 60));
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