DAT 404 – Assignment – Professional Practice Web Site

Your task is to create a ‘splash’ webpage that self-promotes you and your professional practice. The web design must be built from scratch (i.e. not using a content management system) using:

  • The structure of HTML elements
  • Be aesthetically styled by CSS
  • Responsive through JavaScript interaction
  • Contain a custom built contact-me form

Basic content for the webpage (text and imagery) will be provided by yourself. However, in consideration to global limitations on accessibility and bandwidth the page weight has been limited to 500k.

Following on from my investigation into visual effects provider web sites and the creation of three alternative web designs based on these web sites, I decided to turn the following Photoshop mockup into a completed smash page web design for my chosen professional practice of broadcast visual effects:

The completed web site site comprises:

  • A semantically-valid HTML document providing the structure and content of the page.
  • Images which make up the graphical content of the page.
  • Two CSS (cascading style sheet) documents, one of which is used to style the appearance and layout of the web page, while the other provides the styling for the marquee element.
  • A Javascript document which provides the functionality for the marquee and the Google Map API code. This file leverages the functionality of the jQuery library.
  • A basic PHP page to process the contact form submission.

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