Month: October 2015

DAT 401 – Assignment – Week 4 – Remixes Mashups and the Readymade

Brief: Working individually or in your groups, produce an intervention/remix/readymade action that will be documented as a short film. Your intervention can be street-based, in a public place, or part of your home or univeristy life. It can also take place online, e.g. an adbust, mashup or remix. Myself and Jordan Trembeth decided to create… Read More »

DAT 401 – #LoveYourMorphology: Blade Runner vs

Following on from the previous post, I spent some time mashing up some clips from my favourite movie, Blade Runner, with the audio from the latest television advert. I find‘s adverts annoying upbeat and optimistic, but this was perfect to juxtapose with the gloomy distopian visuals of the film. And here’s the result: